You will be living with your decision for many years to come, so you must find the right remodeling company who understands every aspect of your project (from budget and design right down to the dirty work and up to the finished job). Your remodeling company also needs the know how to coordinate and orchestrate the utmost of results from numerous trade contractors and countless suppliers.
Hiring the right remodeling company presents a dilemma for some clients. How can you put the project out for bids if the remodeling company is already hired? Isn't competitive bidding the way to ensure a fair price? No, and here's why:
The bidding process:
Some people select a remodeling company by soliciting three bids after their plans are entirely complete. The homeowner will generally discard the high and low bid, feeling the risk is minimized by picking the "middle" price. The bid price drives the selection, but is that really the best way to hire a remodeling company? Are they really the company who will build the best quality project for the best price?
Remodeling is not remotely like car buying
This is the reason why bid shopping works well for automobiles, but is a high risk for a remodeling project. You can ask three dealers to price a specific make and model car, and be fairly certain you are comparing the same products. But with a building project, the products and quality of workmanship differ significantly.
There are many reasons for low bids including incomplete or vague scope of work, shoddy materials, poor craftsmanship, slow production, inadequate safety precautions, lack of insurance and licensing, no warranty service, and/or miscommunication about your expectation of quality.
Remodeling quality never runs dirt cheap nor should it
If in-depth research to find the right remodeling company may seem like a headache, you must remind yourself that you are probably spending more money in one transaction than you will ever spend again, just short of your mortgage. It's true when they say that the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten.
What's the best way to make your decision? A thorough interview!
As no job interview begins by negotiating salary, hiring a remodeling company should not be any different. Before you get to compensation, you want to be sure you have a qualified applicant. Right? We encourage you to interview three remodeling companies.
If the remodeling company passes the interview, ask for a list of references. Then keep the following criteria in mind and ask past clients a lot of questions!
Professionalism, Timeliness & Care
How was your rapport with the remodeling company?
Was the communication good?
Did the remodeling company have office staff to also communicate with?
Did the company offer creative and/or better ideas to enhance your project?
Was the company up-to-date in the latest technology, products and trends?
How was the timeliness? Did they provide a construction schedule?
Did they show up for work every day?
Did they complete the project in the time frame promised?
Were the areas of your home not being worked on protected during construction?
Was the job site kept clean?
How was the company’s response for warranty work requests?
Did the company and their employees care?
Value & Investment
Did the past clients feel their remodeling company charged them fairly?
Did past remodeling clients feel they obtained the best value for their investment?
Did they feel the remodeling company was an honest negotiator?
To sum it up, how do the past clients feel about the overall project quality?
The most important question
Would you happily hire this remodeling company again?
Is there a current remodeling job in progress?
Ask to see it. If possible, talk to the clients who are actually going through the building process right now and ask them the same above questions.
Your final decision
If you get positive and enthusiastic responses from past clients and you have the same feelings about this remodeling company, then this is when and how you should make your decision. Add it all up and you will be choosing an excellent remodeling company, who will build a quality project for you! After all, isn't this everything you want?